
Gardening with kids

Posted by Jordbarn (AU) on

Whilst exposure to technology which includes tv, iPad & phones can be quite educational, parents often tread a fine line between learning and over exposure to technology.

It’s time to get your kids outside and to educate them. There are so many different ways that this can be achieved – so here’s some ideas to help you kick-start your children’s awareness of nature and the environment.


Get a worm farm

    Worm farm

    Worm farms purchased from retail or hardware stores may require an initial investment of around $100-$120, but they provide an endless source of the best fertiliser available – worm castings! Provided you don’t feed the worms any meat products - the worm should not smell at all. Don’t throw your food scraps in the bin! Food cannot break down anaerobically whilst in a plastic bag in landfill, and will in turn create methane which is a potent greenhouse gas. Best of all, the farms can be utilised in tight backyards! Teach your kids the downsides of throwing scraps into the bin and how they can be better utilised as worm food!

    Start composting

      If you have a slightly larger backyard, compost tumblers offer a great way to create beautiful compost – for free. It’s recommended to use lots of small or finely chopped carbon sources, including leaves, shredded paper, empty egg cartons. Otherwise, products can be cheaply purchased from hardware stores such as sawdust, pea straw etc. Your plants will love it!

      Plant things that kids can enjoy

        Strawberry garden bed

        We recommend planting fruits, such as strawberries or blue berries. These require minimal maintenance and only require occasional watering and of course picking of your end product – fruit! You can also incorporate your worm castings and compost into your next veggie garden! Worm castings are the best natural compost that you can add to the garden.

        Another great idea is growing celery and other items that are either expensive, or one of the “dirty dozen” items that are often grown with dangerous pesticides and chemicals. The vegetables and fruit can be combined into delicious juices that your kids will love. The “reward” of a juice also shows kids how beneficial and important the above steps are.

        Bowl of tomatoes

        So, what are you waiting for? Roll up those sleeves and get going!

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