
Tips for holidaying with kids

Posted by Jordbarn (AU) on

Remember the days when all you needed to be ready for a holiday were your surfboard, bikini, a little black dress and sunscreen?

“So the big question is - how do you keep children entertained whilst on holidays?”

Fast forward to now and you have a car loaded, filled to the brim when you realise you still haven’t fit the portable cot in – major fail!

It’s common: we pack way too much to be ready for the unlikely but possible event. Or we over-think the entertainment for our kids.  I’m pretty sure I don’t remember my parents worrying about entertainment when I was growing up whilst preparing to head away on holidays.  It seems things have changed or have we just over complicated things?  I think there needs to be a balance.

Tips for keeping the kids entertained whilst on holidays

Allow them only a handful toys

Keep the entertainment so the amount is limited, this is also a great time for children to put their decision making skills to good use and for a parent to help guide them on making practical decisions.

    Check out this cutie packing for her annual family holiday to Mornington, Victoria this Easter holidays! One reasonable backpack with organized pockets and spaces, check! One beautiful craft box with hours of imaginative play, check!

    Nesk kids craft box fits perfectly into Jordbarn's Indigo backpack

    Featured in image is Nesk Kids Craft Box $79.95 into Jordbarn’s Indigo Backpack $49.95

    Have a technology ban

    How often do kids get a chance to really be kids? Try to explore the outdoors. Take them on an adventure, discover something new! Pack a few games like monopoly, chinese checkers or Uno. 

    Nesk kids craft box fits perfectly into Jordbarn's Indigo backpack

    Consider packing this bag ahead of time

    Try to pack perhaps a day or two in advance with your child so the anticipation of playing with these toys builds up and when they say they are bored remind them that when you get home that you won’t be unpacking this from the bag for another two days so they know they have to make the most of it.

    Nesk kids craft box fits perfectly into Jordbarn's Indigo backpack

    Travelling with kids is about having a strong balance but more importantly to enjoy and relax whilst you are away. Always go with your gut and if it feels more like a burden than fun, it doesn’t come! Worst case, you will find yourselves becoming less dependent on bought entertainment and more time focusing on each other.

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