
Jordbarn – Earth Child

Posted by Jordbarn (AU) on

by The Subtle Mummy | Mar 19, 2019 | 

Two kids looking at each other holding Jordbarn backpacks and water bottle

Often, I meet small business owners and they are trying their hardest to get their name out there. It’s the most flattering thing in the world when they trust me with their baby in an oversaturated market that sees a mummy blogger on every corner. As I began reading Pam and Michael’s story, I was incredibly humbled that they chose me. Now, enough of this mushy stuff you all know that’s not my style.

What makes Jordbarn different? Pam and Michael were just like you and I, a Melbourne couple, living obliviously, well, until we have children and then we start wanting things to ensure they have a beautiful future on this earth they are inheriting… and I don’t mean pretty back packs and water bottles….. I mean, a better environment with ethical children’s textiles. With an alarming 85% of textiles being sent to landfill, this was not something Pam and Michael felt comfortable enabling any longer. I was shocked at that percentage, did it shock you too?

Boy leaning against a fence, holding an indigo Jordbarn water bottle and backpack by his side

Yes, there are plenty of cheap and super cute back packs and bottles that adorn every other shelf in every other store or supermarket you visit but have you ever stopped to wonder at what cost? Have you noticed how quickly they break, but you’re happy to bin them because, well, they were cheap right? So, who cares? I have to admit the tight ass in me completely relates to this scenario.

Two kids looking at each other with magenta and indigo backpacks by their side, holding water bottle

Two kids facing front, with Jordbarn backpacks and water bottle

So, what if I told you there is high quality, ethical and affordable school gear that will leave you feeling great about doing your bit for the planet? The concept of ‘Earth Child’ is multi-layered, promoting messages of respect for people and the planet, as well as values like inclusion, imagination and on-going, enthusiastic learning. There are sneaky placements of learning embedded within the products, from continents in the cooler packs to Chinese Lunar characters on pencil cases.

Jordbarn indigo bento cooler bag

Jordbarn magenta pencil case

Jordbarn indigo bento box

As if that wasn't enough, being an Impact Brand, they have also partnered with Melbourne charity CreateCare Global to provide children in need with water bottles and backpacks. The One-For-One giving is transparent and enables you to make a significant impact on the life of another child. I think I'm going to spend some time telling my little ones about the value education has in underdeveloped countries, to make sure they don't take everything they have for granted. As a teacher, I wish more conversations like this were had with the youth of today.

Jordbarn One-For-One giving

Overall, I think the quality is great. I only have the backpacks and the water bottles as part of my collection to-date but I was immediately impressed by the lining and the fact that the back section was lightly padded so nothing digs into their little backs, and making it extra easy to wipe down the inside. The size was great, fits loads but not too big so that it becomes uncomfortable for them to carry. A side drink bottle holder as well as a spare on the other side for easy to reach snacks or if you’re like me the car keys because I stash my belongings in their bags too knowing that the chances are always pretty high of me carrying it all by the end of the day.

Oh, and the water bottles are actually drip free!!! Not just the wording on the label like most other brands but they are legitimately DRIP FREE!!! They also have an easy flip spout and are all BPA and phthalates free. Plus, if you ever need to replace the lid, because we all know how manky those straws get sometimes, there are replacements lids available for only $4.95.

Thanks all for reading, I haven’t done a review for a while but this one was really deserving. Head over to their site www.jordbarn.com.au and have a squiz, all the characters are super cute and most importantly you are supporting a local small business. – Zoe xoxo



The Subtle Mummy
Zoe George


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